Birds of Grand Bay Savanna
Here are a few birds that have been documented at the Grand Bay Savanna Forever Wild Tract. See a more complete list at eBird. Cedar waxwing (photo by Mike Wilson) Red-winged blackbird (U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service photo) Cattle egret (Photo by Patsy Russo) Gray catbird (…
Open Woods Weeks at Sipsey River Complex
Four Open Woods Weeks are scheduled for the Forever Wild Sipsey River Complex located in Tuscaloosa County near Buhl, Ala. This outdoor recreation area features 7,155 acres of beautiful bottomland forest along the Sipsey River. Canoeing, birding, fishing, picnicking and wildlife photography…
Forever Wild Field Trial Area Accepting Fishing Reservations
A successful fishing trip for the Creel family. The M. Barnett Lawley Forever Wild Field Trial Area in Hale County will be open for fishing to families and small groups on several Wednesdays in upcoming months. The fishing will be available in two catfish and two bass ponds on the property for…
Two Forever Wild Tracts Added to Birding Trail
Brown-headed nuthatch photo by Mark Langston The Alabama Birding Trails program recently announced the addition of 10 new birding trail sites across Alabama, bringing the total number of locations to 280 in 65 counties. Two of the new sites are on Forever Wild properties: the…
Study Affirms Forever Wild's Impact
By David Rainer, Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources When it comes to return on investment, very few programs can match the success of Alabama’s Forever Wild Land Trust. Forever Wild was established in 1992 as a vehicle to preserve and protect important ecological and…
Red Hills Salamander
Photo above by Dan Brothers. View additional photos of the red hills salamander by Pierson Hill. The Red Hills tract is home to one of Alabama’s most ancient residents, the Red Hills salamander (RHS). With an elongated body that grows up to 10 inches, the RHS is one of the largest lungless…
Lawley Field Trial Area Hunts
Youth deer and duck hunts are offered at the M. Barnett Lawley Forever Wild Field Trial Area (FWFTA) in Hale County. Registration is only available to parents or adults who are at least 21 years old and have a Conservation ID (CID) number. A hunting license is not required at the…
The Walls of Jericho
The Walls of Jericho tract in Jackson County is a great place to visit in the spring because of all the blooming wildflowers. Here's a sample of what you might see: Dutchman's Breeches -- Photo by Eric Soehren Virginia bluebells -- Photo by Eric Soehren Yellow Lady's Slippers --…